Once you have a set of new tires installed on your commercial truck or fleet vehicle, you’ll want to get the most out of them. By maintaining them correctly and inspecting them regularly, you’ll keep them on the road for many miles to come. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA we want you to be able to drive on your tires for miles, so let us help you do just that!
Just because manual transmissions aren’t as common these days as they used to be, there are still many out there, and at Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, our certified technicians know how to keep them running at their best.
The type of tire you want on your fleet or commercial vehicle depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you use the vehicle. There are multiple tire styles for most applications, and one of them is right for you. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we’re ready to help you make your choice. If you’d like to narrow it down before you come see us, here’s a short rundown of common tires that will meet your specific need.
4085 Jordan St South Heights, PA 15081
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