While keeping your car, truck, or SUV looking nice is important, there are other reasons to keep the exterior of your vehicle in good shape. From Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, here are some tips for keeping your car looking good, and how that keeps it reliably on the road.
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Starter issues don’t necessarily indicate a bad starter; sometimes a transmission related issue is at fault. If you are experiencing starter difficulties, Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights has the information you need.
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If you drive a car, truck, or SUV with a manual transmission, you may have heard the term “pilot bearing” or “pilot bushing” before. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, we know that the first step to keeping your vehicle maintained is knowing something about how it works. Here’s some helpful information on the pilot bearing, and how to know if yours needs to be replaced.
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At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, maintaining your fleet and keeping your business reliably on the road is our primary focus. As trucks wear out, and they always do, you will inevitably be faced with this dilemma - “Should I fix this truck, or replace it with a new one?” This isn’t always an easy question to answer. As your fleet specialists, our team here at Zarin Truck & Automotive is here to help you decide.
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If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, there are important points to remember in preserving not only your car or SUV, but it's resale value as well. Luxury and performance vehicles depreciate more quickly than other cars. Many who own these cars like to have the newest and the best of the best. In that way, the odds are stacked against you when trying to get a good price for your car. Fortunately, Zarin Truck & Automotive has some steps you can take to ensure you get the most for your car when it’s time to sell.
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If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, you know that your precision engineered equipment demands precision tuning. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we specialize in high-end imports and performance vehicles and keep them up to par.
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