Transmissions may experience an array of issues, some more serious (or annoying) than others. Since transmissions play a vital role in the operation of your vehicle, it's important to know what to look out for. If your transmission is shuddering, here’s some advice from our team here at Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA.
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If you’ve ever been in an emergency braking situation, you’re probably all too aware that the brakes are the most important safety system on your vehicle. And like many other systems in a vehicle, the brakes need regular upkeep to continue functioning properly. One way to preserve the integrity of the braking system is through brake bleeding, and while it may not be as well known as certain services like oil changes, it is a key maintenance item for a vehicle.
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Modern vehicles are becoming increasingly complex, and as a result, computer diagnostic systems are becoming a necessity rather than a convenience. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, our state of the art technology and trained technicians are ready to diagnose any transmission issue you may be experiencing with your car, truck, or SUV.
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Good steering is an underrated and often neglected aspect of driving. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we believe in making sure you have the best vehicle possible, whether you’re driving across town or traveling long distances.
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Spark plugs have been around since the beginning, and play as important a role now as they did a hundred years ago. It’s a good idea to replace them as a set at regular intervals, but sometimes one will go bad sooner than the rest for one reason or another. How do you know if you have a bad spark plug? Here are some indicators, from Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA.
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