At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, our expert mechanics are here to work for you. On large commercial trucks, there’s one component that works harder than almost all the rest; your brakes. Our technicians have the knowledge and ability necessary to have your truck stopping like the day it rolled off the lot, no matter what the problem is.
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Ride quality is an essential part of your driving experience. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we strive to keep your truck as smooth and comfortable to drive as the day it came off the lot. Your shock absorbers play a huge role in ride quality; here’s what you should know.
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Windshield wipers are one of those things you never think about until you need them, and by then it’s too late. There’s a good chance you haven’t changed windshield wipers in a long time, so it might be a good idea to inspect them before rainy weather catches you off guard. Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA has compiled a few windshield wiper tips here for you.
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The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to insure smooth, reliable operation. At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, create a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
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At Zarin Truck & Automotive in South Heights, PA, we know that the key to keeping a transmission reliable and in shape is taking care to prevent an issue in the first place. Here, we’ll explore a condition that has a lot of potentials to cause your transmission harm; overheating.
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